Min Chang

Min Chang

Seattle, WA – January 7, 2022 – Kin On Health Care Center (Kin On) today announced that CEO Min Chang has accepted another position outside of Kin On to commence the next chapter of her career, and that the Board of Directors has appointed Michael Woo as Interim CEO, effective March 1, 2022.

Chang leaves Kin On on solid footing. During her time with Kin On, despite challenges with the pandemic, Chang has led the organization with improvement initiatives, upgrading the residential- and community-based services while achieving significantly positive financial performance. Her strong leadership and vision have resulted in a quality-based, growth-focused organization that delivers meaningful benefits to our elders and families in the community.

“We thank Min for her dedicated service to Kin On during a critical time for the organization and we look forward to carrying the positive momentum forward into 2022,” said Stella Leong, Kin On Board Past-President. “Kin On has faithfully served the community for over 36 years and we will continue our mission to serve the Asian elderly with the highest quality of care.”

“It was an honor to serve as Kin On’s CEO and to have had the opportunity to work with so many of you in the community. I will treasure and take with me the memories and experiences that I’ve had here and will look forward to hearing about Kin On’s continued success,” said Chang.

Michael Woo

Michael Woo

Care Network Director Michael Woo will serve as the Interim CEO during the transition.

“We are so fortunate to have Michael’s steadfast leadership in place during this time of transition,” said Board President Sherwin Tsao. “Michael’s long tenure and invaluable experience with Kin On will ensure a stable operation as we proceed in identifying a permanent replacement for Min.”

Woo joined Kin On in 1989, currently serves as the Care Network Director, a role that he assumed since 2011. He primarily oversees the social service, family caregivers support, and senior health promotion programs. Prior to that, he had served as the Administrator of Kin On Rehab & Care Center for ten years.

Kin On’s Board has assembled a Search Committee to begin identifying a successor to lead and further the organization’s mission. Kin On is committed to leading with equity and transparency throughout the process. The job description is available on the Kin On website at kinon.org/current-openings. All communication with the Committee regarding the search should be directed to Allie Chen, HR Manager, at careers@kinon.org.


 (2022年1月7日──西雅圖訊) 健安董事會宣布,張珉因從事其他個人發展而辭任健安行政總裁一職,自2022年3月1日起生效;胡大明獲委任為臨時行政總裁。






胡大明於 1989 年加入健安,自 2011 年起擔任社會服務總監,主要負責監督社會服務、親屬照顧者支援和耆老健康推廣計劃。在此之前,他曾擔任健安復康及護理中心的院長長達十年。
